Islamophobia in Australia

by Dr Derya Iner | Research Publication
A report on Islamophobia and its various manifestations in Australia

This report focuses on Islamophobia and its various manifestations in Australia since 2014. It explores the individual and institutional aspects of Islamophobia and the relationships between the two.

Organised in two sections, section I describes the theological, political and cultural aspects of Islamophobia as reflected in various institutions. Section I also examines the interplay of Islamophobia within the religious plane, the political sphere, media reporting of Islam and Muslims, right-wing organisations and in the field of criminology.

Section II presents and analyses data gathered via the Islamophobia Register Australia reflecting Australian Muslims’ experiences of Islamophobia. The report captures and critically analyses 243 verified incidents reported between September 2014 and December 2015. While these incidents do not reflect all local experiences of Islamophobia in Australia, they shed light on many aspects of its manifestations, nuances and complexities.

The report findings signify the circumstances under which anti-Muslim hate incidents exist, operate and affect Australian Muslims, and illustrate specific characteristics of Islamophobia.


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