Erfan Daliri Training

by Erfan Daliri | Training/consulting
The views expressed by organisations and in resources in this hub do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Human Rights Commission or the Racism. It Stops With Me campaign supporters and partners.
Anti-racism training and consulting for corporations, groups and individuals

Visit Erfan Daliri's training website here


With 20 years of experience as a professional speaker and a grassroots changemaker, complimented with a Master’s Degree in Communication for Social Change, Erfan Daliri is one of Australia’s most sought after social change educators. With a team of supporting researchers and consultants, workshops and training are tailored to suit your specific organisational needs.

Furthering the discourse of ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ to the goal of creating social cohesion and equity, Efran Daliri services are committed to helping you take proactive steps for the betterment of the world through world-class anti-racism training and cultural awareness consulting sessions.