International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Resources
The fact sheets and lesson plan are designed to support individual and organisational conversations about the importance of keeping the focus of IDERD on ending all forms of racial discrimination and injustice.
The schools’ fact sheet and lesson plan have been written for students in Years 9 and 10. This content has been aligned to outcomes in the Australian Curriculum.
The general and translated factsheets have been written for an older audience and are suitable for workplaces, community centres and other institutions.
The fact sheets describe how ‘Harmony Week’ is an example of the way language can be used to sweep the harms of racism under the rug. This doesn’t help people experiencing racism. Instead, it reinforces inequality and maintains the status quo.
In contrast, having open discussions about racism demonstrates a commitment to tackling racism when it occurs and preventing it in the future. Discussing racism honestly and openly helps develop more advanced racial awareness and provides the space to plan and act for change.
The IDERD fact sheet has also been translated into a range of different languages.
Fact sheet – General
How 'harmony' hides structural and systemic racism in PDF
(159.14 KB)
How 'harmony' hides structural and systemic racism in Word
(152.02 KB)
Fact sheet – For schools
How ‘harmony’ hides systemic racism in PDF
(166.36 KB)
How ‘harmony’ hides systemic racism in Word
(152.58 KB)
Lesson Plan – For Years 9 and 10
Lesson Plan for IDERD: Years 9 - 10 in PDF
(177.25 KB)
Lesson Plan for IDERD: Years 9 - 10 in Word
(155.38 KB)
While information on the Australian Human Rights Commission's website is mainly presented in English, the IDERD Fact sheet resource has been translated into a range of different languages:
- Arabic in PDF (311.57 KB)
- Arabic in Word (129.8 KB)
- Burmese in PDF (290.11 KB)
Burmese in Word (181.5 KB)
- Dari in PDF (322.32 KB)
Dari in Word (161 KB)
Simplified Chinese
- Simplified Chinese in PDF (300.93 KB)
- Simplified Chinese in Word (159.28 KB)
Traditional Chinese
- Traditional Chinese in PDF (313.15 KB)
Traditional Chinese in Word (150.75 KB)
- Vietnamese in PDF (160.85 KB)
- Vietnamese in Word (110.43 KB)