
2023 | Training/consulting
The views expressed by organisations and in resources in this hub do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Human Rights Commission or the Racism. It Stops With Me campaign supporters and partners.
intertwine provides intersectionality training and services such as policy evaluation, organisational change workshops, tailored training, and licensed intersectionality resources.

intertwine is a registered harm prevention charity and takes a primary prevention approach to help organisations understand the underlying drivers of social violence and dismantle the systemic power structures that create marginalisation and oppression. 

By creating the circumstances for gender equity, cultural and racial justice, freedom of sexuality and gender identity and a social model of disability, together we will build communities, organisations and services that are inclusive and just, in a participatory society where all people have health, wellbeing, representation & self-determination.

intertwine has a staff, Board of Directors and Advisory Panel consisting entirely of people with lived experience/living expertise of intersecting disadvantage. It explicitly mentors and creates work for young people with lived experience of intersecting disadvantage.

Book a consultation with intertwine.

Access intertwine's Privilege, Resistance & Proximity to Power poster